In the ALARM SETUP MENU, we define :
(1) ALARM:
ENABLE: Enable alarm detection.
DISABLE: Disable alarm detection.
N. O. : Normal Open alarm.
N.C. TRANS. : When the alarm is triggered, buzzer starts to function no matter how long is the alarm duration set until you set it back to N.C.
N.O. TRANS. : When the alarm is triggered, buzzer starts to function no matter how long is the alarm duration set until you set it back to N.O.
N. C. : Normal Close alarm.
Active camera setting, from camera 01~16. You can set the camera which corresponds to the place where the alarm is located.
Note: The recording camera number in an event depends on the alarm number, and the focus camera images will not be recorded. For example: You assign camera 3 as the focus camera to alarm 1. When the alarm 1 is triggered, camera 3 will be displayed and camera 1 will be recorded.