E x u b e r a P r o U C W a t e r A p p l i a n c e
High volume premium water appliance for drinking water
| B E N E F I T S |
Exubera Pro UC: | Produces ambient, chilled and chilled carbonated |
| water |
| Combined with Everpure filtration technologies, |
| allows for premium carafe water |
| Capable of supplying water cooled to |
| Efficient ice bank technology |
| Durable construction |
| UL Approved |
I N S T A L L A T I O N T I P S | O P E R A T I O N T I P S | A P P L I C A T I O N / S I Z I N G |
Fill the ice bank before connecting CO2, main | Use water pressure regulator (supplied) to ensure | Maximum Cold Water Capacity: 31.7 gph |
water supply or power | proper water pressure. | Maximum Continuous Cold Water Capacity: |
| |
Before connecting CO2, run water through | Optimal performance requires cleaning machine | 18.5 gph |
dispenser | regularly & performing | Suggested tubing: 3/8” OD, 1/4” ID |
| |
Flush all dispensers before use | To ensure the highest quality water, use in | polyethylene tubing |
For water pressure regulation install water | combination with an Everpure filtration system |
| |
pressure reducer calibrated to 43.5 PSI | CO2 Pressure: 43.5 - 58 PSI |
Ensure John Guest fittings are secure before | A 20 lb CO2 cylinder will provide roughly 400 |
operation | gallons of carbonated water** |
Ventilation required for optimal performance | **Varies based on CO2 pressure |
Do not place unit near any heat source |
To obtain optimal carbonation allow ice bank to |
form for at least 2 hours. |
Temperature setting should be between 5 and 7 |