your score.
Press MENU during this Press Enter Screen to briefly see a Score Screen.
HIGH 0000
LAST 0000
ROUND 0000
The score for the round will always be zero, since the round has not started, but the high score achieved thus far, and the score from the last time you played will be shown. The round score will always be updated during play, but the timer must be on, in order to update the last and high score.
Now press ENTER to see those hidden grid letters and begin your round.
Connect Play Screen
If you are playing with the timer off, a HINT key will appear on the left of the screen once play begins. Press this key to display the first letter of the word with the longest length. Repeatedly pressing HINT will cause the remaining letters of that word to be displayed. Press ENTER to register the word. Once a word is reg- istered and accepted as valid, it will appear in the area above the Spelled Word line.
If you are playing with the timer on, you must first make words to achieve a cer- tain score value before the HINT key will appear. With each use of the HINT key, your score will be reduced. If your score drops below a certain score, the HINT key will disappear and you will need to make some words to get your score back to the value that displays the HINT key.
Press ENTER to register the word. If it is a valid word from the over
Once a word is registered and accepted as valid, it will appear in the area above the Spelled Word line.
If you try to use ENTER to register a word that has already been entered, an “already registered” sound will be made, and nothing else will happen. If you don’t see that word in the entered word area, press the PAGE key to see more entered words.
Once you have entered enough words to fill the entered words area, the next word that is entered will go in the entered word area, but that pushes one of the other words to an alternate screen storage area. When this occurs, the PAGE key will be displayed on the left of the screen. Pressing this PAGE key will display the other words that have been entered but that could not fit on the main play screen. Pressing PAGE again will either go to the next page of entered words, if there is one, or it will return you to the play screen.
Pressing MENU during play will cause a Score Screen to be briefly displayed.
HIGH 0000
LAST 0000
ROUND 0000