you throw a 15, then that

round is bust and your score

stays at 498.



You can also choose to





with any

of the ’01 Games.



/means the playerDOUBLEmustTRIPLEhit INa number in the double or triple ring or the inner Bull’s Eye to begin the game.

meansDOUBLEthe player/ TRIPLEmust hitOUTa number in the double or triple ring or the inner bull to reach the final score of zero to com- plete the game. The round will be bust if the player’s score falls to one point under the double out option status.

HIGH SCORE: 6rd, 7rd, 8rd, 9rd, 10rd, 11rd, 12rd, 13rd, 14rd, 15rd

The object of the game is to reach the highest total score within a preset number of rounds.

To begin, preset a number of rounds in the dartboard. You can select 6 through 15 rounds. The winner will have the highest total score after the preset number of rounds.

COUNT UP: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 The object of the game is to reach the preset total score

first.Each player begins their game with zero points.

To begin, preset a final total score. You can choose 100 through 900 (in incre- ments of 100).

The first player to reach or go over this final score wins.

RANDOM SHOT: 6rd, 7rd, 8rd, 9rd, 10rd, 11rd, 12rd, 13rd, 14rd, 15rd

The object of the game is to hit the same segment as the number that is displayed on C section of the LCD Display.

A is worth one point. SINGLE

A is worth two points. DOUBLE

A is worth three points. TRIPLE

Anis worth

3 pointsOUTER. BULL

An is worth 5

points. INNER BULL

You can select 6through

15 rounds. The player with the highest final score wins.

UNDER: Ldr, bot

The object of the game is to shoot a three-dart score that is equal to or less than the “Leader’s Score.” Each player starts with seven “lives” and the last player “alive” wins.

Your score will become the new leader’s score and you will not lose a life when your score is equal to or lower than the previous leader’s score. If it is not, you will lose a life.

The previous leader has

the right to re-issue a new leader’s score and not lose any lives even though the new leader’s score may be higher than the previous leader’s score.

Every missed dart is worth 60 points.

If you’re not playing the Leader (L ) option, the leader willDRalso lose a life when he or she has a score that is over the leader’s score (which is his or her own score). The leader’s score can only be changed to a lower score.

OVER: Ldr, toP

The object of the game is to shoot a three-dart score that is more than or equal to the “Leader’s Score.” Each player starts with seven “lives” and the last player “alive” wins.

Your score will become the new leader’s score and you will not lose a life when your score is equal to or greater than the previous



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Excalibur electronic PL13-2 manual Under Ldr, bot, Over Ldr, toP