MPX 423 A • SIS Programming and Control
• If the unit is on, it sends the boot and copyright messages when you first open
a Telnet connection to the unit. You can see the day of the week, date, and time
if the unit is connected via Telnet, but not via RS-232. If you are using a Telnet
connection, the copyright message, date, and time are followed by a password
prompt (if set).
Password informationThe “]Password:” prompt requires a password (administrator level or user level)
followed by a carriage return.
If the correct password is entered, the unit responds with “]Login Administrator
]” or “]Login User]”, depending on password entered. If passwords are the
same for both administrator and user, the unit defaults to administrator privileges.
Error responsesIf the MPX 423 A is unable to execute a command, it returns an error response to the
host. The error response codes and their descriptions are as follows:
E01 – Invalid input channel number (the number is too large)
E10 – Invalid command
E12 – Invalid output number / invalid port number
E13 – Invalid value (the number is out of range/too large)
E14 – Not valid for this configuration
E17 – System timed out
E22 – Busy
E23 – Checksum error (for file uploads)
E24 – Privilege violation (Ethernet, Extron software only). User privileges have
access to ALL view and read commands, and the following:
• create ties
• set RGB and audio mutes
Exception: User cannot read Admin password
E25 – Device is not present
E26 – Maximum number of connections has been exceeded
E27 – Invalid event number
E28 – Bad filename or file not found
Error response referencesThe following superscripted numbers are used within the command descriptions
on the following pages to identify commands that may respond as shown:
14 = Commands that give an E14 (not valid for this configuration) response if the
unit’s current configuration doesn’t support that command
22 = Commands that yield an E22 (busy) response.
24 = Commands that give an E24 (privilege violation) response if you are not
logged in at the administrator level.
27 = Commands that may yield an E27 (invalid event number) response.
28 = Commands that may give an E28 (file not found) response.
Copyright informationThe following copyright message is initiated by the MPX 423 A matrix switcher at
power-up (for an RS-232 connection):
(c) Copyright 2007, Extron Electronics, MPX 423A, Vx.xx, 60-683-01
Vx.xx = the firmware version number.