SIS™ Programming and Control, cont’d
MPX 423 A • SIS Programming and Control
Command ASCII Command
(host to switcher)
(switcher to host)
Additional description
Read GMT, offset ECZ} X3(] X3( = GMT offset (-12.0
through 14.0 hours and minutes
removed from GMT)
Set daylight saving
EX4)CX}IptX4)] X4) = Daylight saving time
0 = Daylight saving time off/
1 = Daylight saving time
(northern hemisphere)
2 = Daylight saving time
3 = Daylight saving time
Read daylight saving
ECX} X4)]
Configure parameters24 EX!*X4&,X4*,X4(,
X5)CP }Cpnx1•Ccp,X4&,X4*,
X4& = Baud rate: (9600, 19200,
38400, 115200)
X4* = Parity: Odd, Even, None,
Mark, Space
X4( = Data bits: 7 or 8
X5) = Stop bits: 1 or 2
Read port parameters EX4^CP} X4&,X4*,X4(,X5)]
Set port mode EX4^*X5!CY CpmX4^•CtyX5!] X4^ = Port # XX. The port
number will be represented as
two ASCII characters (2 bytes)
(example: port 01 is represented
as 30 31 in hex)
X5! = Port type: 0 = RS-232
Read port mode EX4^CY} X5!]
Configure flow control24 EX4^*X5@,X5#
CF}CpnX!•CflX5@,X5#] X4^ = Port # XX. The port
number will be represented as
two ASCII characters (2 bytes)
(example: port 01 is represented
as 30 31 in hex)
X5@ = Flow control: Hardware,
Software, None
X5# = Data pacing (specified in
milliseconds between bytes):
0000 - 1000 (default = 0 ms)
View flow control EX4^CF } X5@,X5#]
View receive timeout EX4^CE } X1&,X1*] X1& = 10s of milliseconds wait
time for characters coming into
a serial port before terminating
(default = 10 = 100ms, max =
X1* = 10s of milliseconds
wait time between characters
coming into a serial port before
terminating (default = 2 = 20ms,
max.= 32767)
Set DHCP on or off EX4%DH }IphX4%] X4% = DHCP (0 = off; 1 = on)
Read DHCP status EDH } X4%] X4% = DHCP (0 = off; 1 = on)
Set IP address EX2&CI }IpiX2&] X2& = IP address
Read IP address ECI } X2&] X2& = IP address
Read hardware (MAC) ECH } X3$]