MPX 423 A • SIS Programming and Control
X2) = Verbose firmware - description - upload date/
time. See Query Firmware Version, page
X2@ = Power supply voltages and temperature (ºF)
(+5.0 V, +3.3 V, =2.5 V, +15.0 V, -15.0 V, temp)
X2% = Matrix name (24 characters max.)
Invalid characters: + ~ @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > : | \ ?
X2^ = GMT date [WWW,•DD•MMM•YYYY•
X2& = IP address (###.###.###.###)
X2( = Default name: combination of model-name
and last 3 pairs of MAC address
(e.g., MPX-423-A-00-02-3D)
X3) = Password (12 digits, alphanumeric)
X3! = Connection’s security level:
11 = user
12 = administrator
X3$ = Hardware (MAC) address (##-##-##-##-##-##)
X3% = Number of open connections (0 - 255)
X3& = GMT date (MM/DDD/YY•HH:MM:SS)
X3* = Domain name (example = extron.com)
X3( = GMT offset (-12.0 through 14.0 hours and
minutes removed from GMT)
X4) = Daylight saving time:
0 = Daylight saving time off/ignore
1 = Daylight saving time on (northern
2 = Daylight saving time (Europe)
3 = Daylight Saving time (Brazil)
X4% = DHCP (0 = off; 1 = on)
X4^ = Port # XX. The port number will be represented
as two ASCII characters (2 bytes)
(example: port 01 is represented as 30 31 in hex)
X4& = Baud rate: (9600, 19200, 38400, 115200)
X4* = Parity: Odd, Even, None, Mark, Space
X4( = Data bits: 7 or 8
X5) = Stop bits: 1 or 2
X5! = Port type: 0 = RS-232
X5@ = Flow control: Hardware, Software, None
X5# = Data pacing (specified in milliseconds between
bytes): 0000 - 1000 (default = 0 ms)
X5$ =Web page priority flag (internal use only):
0 = internal (default on power-up)
1 = user
] = CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) (hex 0D 0A)
} = Carriage return (no line feed, hex 0D)
(use the pipe character, | , instead for Web
browser commands)
• = Space character
| = Pipe (vertical bar) character
* = asterisk - In this table, the asterisk does not
represent a variable or specific function. It is
merely used as a command line character.
E = Escape key (hex 1B) (use W instead of Esc for
Web browsers)
X! = 1 thru max. number of inputs
X@ = 0 thru max. number of inputs
(Input 0 = muted output)
X# = Outputs 1 through 6
(1,2 = VGA & Audio, & mode selection outputs;
3,4 = Composite Video;
5,6 = S-Video)
X$ = -18 through +24 (default 0 dB)
(43 steps of audio gain or attenuation)
X% = 0 dB (default) through 24 dB (audio gain)
X^ = 1 dB through 18 dB (audio attenuation)
X& = Volume adjustment range (0%-100%)
[min. = 0 through max. = 64 default = (0 dB)]
In 1 dB steps except from 1 to 0 = -30 dB
X( = On/Off status: 0 = off/disable; 1 = on/enable
For Verbose mode
0 = none (default for Telnet connection)
1 = Verbose mode (default for RS-232/RS-422)
2 = Tagged response for querries
3 = Verbose mode & tagged querries
X1) = Signal/no signal:
0 = no signal at input; 1 = signal at input
X1! = Switcher mode: 1 = Single; 2 = Separate
X1# = Delay in 1/2 second increments
(10 max. = 5.0 seconds / default = 0 seconds)
X1$ = Video/Audio Mute:
0 = no mute; 1 = video mute; 2 = audio mute;
3 = video and audio mute
X1% = Frequency in Hz or kHz (xxx.xx)
X1& = 10s of milliseconds wait time for characters
coming into a serial port before terminating
(default = 10 = 100ms, max = 32767
X1* = 10s of milliseconds wait time between
characters coming into a serial port before
terminating (default = 2 = 20ms, max.= 32767)
X1( = Controller firmware version to the second
decimal place
Symbol definitionsSymbols used in the command/response tables are described below.