
MPX 423 A • SIS Programming and Control

Command ASCII Command

(host to switcher)


(switcher to host)

Additional description

Query Firmware Version
Read controller
firmware version
Q/q X1(]
Query verbose version
0Q X1(X2)X2)] Provide a detailed status of the
Ethernet protocol firmware, the
controller firmware, and any
firmware upgrade.
The firmware that is running is
marked by an asterisk (*).
A caret (^) indicates that the
firmware has a bad checksum
or an invalid load.
?.?? indicates the firmware is
not loaded.
N Response description: Controller firmware version - update firmware version ]
Request System Status
Read system status S X2@]
System Reset (Factory Default)
EZXXX}Zpx]Clears all ties, resets all audio
gains to 0 dB, and resets volume
to 100%.
Absoluete System Reset
EZQQQ}Zpq]Similar to system reset (ZXXX).
Resets IP address and subnet
mask to defaults of:
IP address =
subnet mask =
IP Setup Commands
Set matrix name
EX2%CN}Ipn•X2%] X2% = Matrix name (24
character max.)
Invalid characters:
+ ~ @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > : | \ ?
Set unit name to factory
E•CN}Ipn•X2(] X2( = Default name:
combination of model-name
and last 3 pairs of MAC address
(e.g., MPX-423-A-00-02-3D)
Read matrix name
ECN} X2%] X2% = Matrix name (24
character max.)
Invalid characters:
+ ~ @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > : | \ ?
Set time/date EX3&CT}IptX3&] X3& = GMT date:
Read time/date ECT} X2^] X2^ = GMT date:
Set GMT, offset EX3(CZ}IptX3(] X3( = GMT offset (-12.0
through 14.0 hours and minutes
removed from GMT)