Functions of the Keypads
NOTE: The functions printed directly on the keys indicate their primary purpose; the functions printed under some of the keys (shown in brackets under the respective key), indicate their alternate or secondary purpose.
Alpha Display Keypads:
1 OFF | Disarms burglary portion of the system, |
silences alarms and audible trouble indicators, and clears visual display after problem's correction. [RECORD] On Voice keypads, used in conjunction with the FUNCTION and VOICE keys to record up to a
2 AWAY Arms the entire burglary system,
perimeter and interior.
[VOLUME] On Voice keypads, used in conjunction with the FUNCTION and desired volume control keys
↑[3] or ↓ [6] to adjust the volume of a recorded message or voice system status.
3 STAY Arms perimeter portion of burglary
system only. Interior protection is not armed, allowing movement within premises without causing an alarm. If pressed twice in succession, arms system in Night- Stay mode.
[PLAY] On Voice keypads, used in conjunction with the FUNCTION and VOICE keys to play the recorded message.
[ ↑ ] On Voice keypads, used in conjunction with the FUNCTION and VOLUME keys to raise the message and voice system status volume.
4 MAXIMUM Arms the entire burglary system,
perimeter and interior, but without entry delay feature. Entering via an entry/exit door will cause an alarm.
5TEST Tests the system and alarm sounder if
disarmed. Refer to Testing The System section for test procedures.
8 CODE Used to assign additional security codes
and attributes for other users of the system.
6 BYPASS Removes individual protection zones
from being monitored by the system.
[ ↓ ] On Voice keypads, used in conjunction with the FUNCTION and VOLUME keys to lower the message and voice system status volume.
7 INSTANT Arms in manner similar to the STAY
mode, but without the entry delay feature.
9 CHIME Turns CHIME mode on and off. When on,
the opening of windows or doors while the system is disarmed sounds 3 beeps at the keypad(s).
∗READY Used to display open protection zones.
[STATUS]: On Voice keypads, one press of the STATUS key annunciates the current system status. Pressing the STATUS key a second time annunciates and displays system and/or zone faults (if they exist).
0[VOICE] On Voice keypads, enables the RECORD, VOLUME and PLAY functions.
#This key can be used for "Quick Arming" of the
system without use of a security code (if programmed). [FUNCTION] On Voice keypads, enables the desired voice or volume function.
FUNCTION KEYS: Keys A, B, C, D may have been set for certain functions, such as panic (emergency) functions. For details, see the Function Keys section. ARMED LED INDICATOR: (RED) Lit when the system has been armed.
READY LED INDICATOR: (GREEN) Lit when the system is ready to be armed (no faults present). While the system is disarmed, this indicator will go on and off as protection zones are closed and opened. MESSAGE LED INDICATOR: (RED) On Voice keypads, flashes red when message waiting or lights red (steady) when in record mode.
MIC: On voice keypads, microphone for Message Center recordings.
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