Video Clip Shooting Setting Screen*All the icons never appear at the same time.
1Resolution menu [page 51]
4: 640 x 480-pixel resolution icon
2: 320 x 240-pixel resolution icon
0: 160 x 120-pixel resolution icon
2Compression menu [page 53]
D: FINE icon (low compression)
Only appears when the resolution is
set to 2.
G: NORM icon (moderate compression)
3Frame rate menu [page 64]
{: Records at 15 frames/second.
}: Records at 30 frames/second.
Only appears when the resolution is
set to 2 or 0.
4Shutter operation menu [page 64]
$: Records only while shutter release
button is pressed.
#: Recording starts when shutter
release button is pressed and stops
when it is pressed again.
5Focus menu [page 67]
Z: Normal focus icon
c: Macro focus icon
6Auto/manual shooting menu [page 55]
B: Auto shooting mode icon
E: Manual shooting mode icon
7Exposure correction icon [page 72]
8Zoom icon [page 73]
Only appears when the resolution is set
to 2 or 0.
9Exposure correction bar [page 72]
FZoom bar [page 73]
Only appears when the resolution is set
to 2 or 0.
GRemaining recording time available
[page 65]
Display shows the remaining minutes and
HMain switch setting
Red when the main switch is set to
IVideo clip shooting mode icon
JNumber of video clips that can be
recorded [page 65]
KShooting status display area [page 34]
When the Shooting Setting Screen is
exited, the macro focus icon or manual
shooting mode icon appears if set.
LRemaining battery charge [page 44]
Not displayed when the remaining battery
charge is near full or when the AC
adaptor (sold separately) is used.
SX114/EX, /E, /U (VPC-SX560EX, VPC-SX560E, VPC-SX560 GB) Wed. Nov., 15/2000
33 English