121353-01H 13
Area of Various Standard Round Flues
Diameter Area
5" 20 sq. inches
6" 29 sq. inches
7" 39 sq. inches
8" 51 sq. inches
Chimney Height Minimum permanent
Flue Opening
6' to 15' 39 sq. inches
15' to 30' 29 sq. inches
Damper Clamp
Masonry Fireplace Manufactured
Figure 10 - Attaching Damper Clamp
CAUTION: Do not remove the
data plates attached to the heater
base assembly. The data plates
contain important warranty and
safety information.
WARNING: You must secure
this heater to replace oor. If
not, heater will move when you
adjust controls. Moving heater
may cause a gas leak.
WARNING: If installing in a
sunken replace, special care
is needed. You must raise the
replace oor to allow access to
heater control panel. This will in-
sure adequate air ow and guard
against sooting and controls be-
ing damaged. Raise replace oor
with noncombustible material.
Make sure material is secure.
CAUTION: Do not pick up
heater base assembly by the
burn er. Thi s coul d dam age
heater. Only handle base as-
sembly by grates.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the heater burner
is level. If heater is not level, heater will not
work properly.
Installation Items Needed
• hardware package (provided with heater)
• approved flexible gas hose (provided)
(if allowed by local codes)
• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas, not
• electric drill with 3/16" drill bit (metal or
masonry as applicable)
• athead screwdriver
1. Apply pipe joint sealant lightly to male
threads of the tting to be threaded into
gas control. Connect approved exible gas
hose (provided for VYM models only) to
gas control tting in heater (see Figure 11).
IMPORTANT: Hold gas tting with wrench
when connecting exible gas hose.
2. Locate 2 masonry screws in hardware
See chart below for minimum permanent ue
opening you must provide. Attach damper
clamp so the minimum permanent ue open-
ing will be maintained at all times.
Flexible Gas Hose
(Provided for VYM
models only) (if
allowed by local codes)
Figure 11 - Attaching Flexible Gas Hose
to Heater