SMPTE NTSC (or PAL) - Displays the
external timecode value being generated by
a camcorder or other device during a record
session. Timecode mode has to be set to EXT
TC for this function to operate (see page 28
of this User Guide). In playback mode, this
displays the embedded SMPTE timecode
value in a particular track.
UB NTSC (or PAL) - Displays the set user
bit value in a particular clip. A user bit value
must be added for this to display (see page 28
of this User Guide).
ABSOLUTE - Displays an absolute
timecode value for the particular session (sum
of all COUNTER timecode on connected
volumes). This is mainly used when DR-
DV5000 is set to AV/C mode and is being
controlled by an external FireWire device such
as a computer.
7.Timecode or User Bit Value
Displays the timecode or user bit value of
display mode selected.
8.Current Disk Volume
Displays the current disk volume in relation to
available space.
9.Available Space on Volume
Displays the space in time available on the
current volume.
10.Soft Key One Function Display
Displays the current function related to Soft
Key one (left key on the top row of buttons).
This is typically the main soft key for opening
the DR-DV5000 MENU and is also used as a
STOP key during record and playback sessions.
11.Soft Key Two Function Display
Displays current function of Soft Key two
(middle key on the top row of buttons).
12.Soft Key Three Function Display
Displays current function of Soft Key three
(right key on the top row of buttons).
The DR-DV5000 front panel features nine
buttons. The three buttons on the top row are
Soft Keys which allow different functions
to be controlled depending on the mode DR-
DV5000 is in. Use the bottom line of the LCD
display to identify the current soft key function.
The remaining six buttons have a fixed function.
Several of them also feature a secondary
function that can be accessed by pressing the
SHIFT key (usually the right Soft Key).
DR-DV5000 buttons have the following
Soft Key 1 and STOPKey
Stops whatever is the selected mode and
returns DR-DV5000 into Pause. A second
press puts DR-DV5000 into STOP (standby
with splash screen). Splash screen is the first
frame of the selected clip. Key also acts as a
dedicated soft key for triggering mode/function
that appears immediately above key in the
DR-DV5000 LCD display except during
record and playback.
FireStore DR-DV5000 User Guide