Thank you for purchasing the Focus
Enhancements FireStore DR-DV5000 DTE
DV Video Disk Recorder for JVCfull-size DV
camcorders. DR-DV5000 adds a digital disk
recorder/player for a powerful acquisition
The purpose of this User Guide is to explain
the features and operation of the FireStore
DR-DV5000. You have also received a DR-
DV5000 QuickStart guide which should be
kept for quick future reference. Please study
the contents of this User Guide before
attempting to use your DR-DV5000.
Check the Focus Enhancements website
regularly for updates to software and
documentation and if you have questions
or require further assistance with your
FireStore DR-DV5000, please visit:
Alternatively, contact your Focus
Enhancements or JVC FireStore
PACKAGE CONTENTSPlease take a moment to study the contents of
your FireStore DR-DV5000 package. You
should have the following contents:
•One (1) FireStore DR-DV5000 Unit w/ two
(2) captive screws
•One (1) FireStore FSHDD-1 FireWire Hard
Disk Drive(HDD)*
•One (1) Hardwire Remote Commander
•One (1) Infrared Remote Commander
•One (1) 6-pin to 4-pin Right Angle
FireWire cable.
•One (1) 3.5mm to DB9 Serial Cable
•One (1) Battery Gasket
•One (1) GY-DV500/-550/-700 Adapter Plate
w/ four (4) mount screws
•User Guide CD-ROM
• QuickStart Guide
If any of these contents are missing, please
contact Focus Enhancements or your JVC
FireStore dealer/distributor immediately.
You may need to purchase cables to connect
more than one hard disk drive to FireStore
DR-DV5000 at a time. Your Focus Enhancements
dealer can help you identify additional cables
you may need.
* Depending on the model number that is
ordered, drive capacity may vary. Please verify
that you have received the correct FireStore
FSHDD-1 capacity that you ordered.
WHATIS A DTE DISK RECORDER?A DTE DV Disk Recorder is a device that
allows you to record/playback DV video
directly to/from a removable FireWire hard
disk drive without using a computer. Video is
input or output as a DV Video Streamthrough
FireStore which writes/reads a DV data stream
in NLE native file formats from/to a FireWire
hard disk drive.
WHAT IS FIRESTORE DR-DV5000?FireStore DR-DV5000 is a DTE DV Disk
Recorder that mounts directly to JVC Full
Size DV camcorders. With DR-DV5000, it is
possible to:
•Input or output DV video from/to JVC DV
camcorders such as the GY-DV5000, DV500,
DV550 and DV700. It is also possible to use it
stand-alone with virtually any DV video device
FireStore DR-DV5000 User Guide