Custom signature configuration | Custom signatures |
Create New | Select to create a new custom signature. |
Name | The custom signature name. |
Signature | The signature syntax. |
Delete icon | Select to delete the custom signature. |
Edit icon | Select to edit the custom signature. |
Custom signature configuration
Add custom signatures using the
Adding custom signatures using the web-based manager
To add a custom signature
1Go to Intrusion Protection > Signature > Custom.
2Select Create New to add a new custom signature, or select the Edit icon to edit a custom signature.
Figure 5: Edit Custom Signature
3Enter a name for the custom signature.
4Enter the Signature.
5Select OK.
Adding custom signatures using the CLI
After adding the custom signature, configure the settings for it under the signature group named custom.
Command syntax pattern
config ips custom edit <name_str>
set signature <signature_str>
Keywords and variables | Description | Default |
name_str | The name of the custom signature. |
signature | Enter the custom signature. | No default. |
<signature_str> |
| FortiGate IPS User Guide Version 3.0 MR7 |
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