Key Guide
Direction Keys
Moves in the indicated direction.
Goes to the next entry.
Goes to the previous entry.
At menus and dictionary entries, pages down. At data entry screens, types a space.
Key Combinations*
+ At a dictionary entry, goes to the top or or bottom of an entry. At menus, goes
to the top or bottom of a list.
+ At the Entry screen, types an asterisk to stand for a series of letters in a word.
*Hold down the first key while pressing the second.
Calculator Keys
Q(1/X) Calculates a reciprocal.
S(√ X) Calculates a square root.
D(X2) Squares a number.
F(%) Calculates a percentage.
G(.) Inserts a decimal point.
X(M+) Adds the number on the screen to the number stored in memory.
V(MR) Recalls the number stored in memory.
B(MC) Clears the memory.