Franklin FLX-440 manual Selecting a Range of Years Putting It All Together, Select Costner, Kevin

Models: FLX-440

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Selecting a Range of Years Putting It All Together

Selecting a Range of Years Putting It All Together

You can also find movies that were re- leased over a range of years. In the follow- ing example we will search for movies that were released between 1981 and 1987.

1.Select Year from the Locate menu.

2.Use the arrow keys to high- light 1987.

To learn how read “Locating Movies by Year.”

3.Press ENTER to select 1987.

4.Highlight 1981.

5.Press ENTER .

All the years in between will then be selected.

6.Press To learn how read “Locating Movies by Year.” or MENU .

7.Press CLEAR when done.

You cannot select more than one range of years (i.e., you cannot select movie between 1981-1987 and movies between 1991-1993). If you select another year, your range will be deselected.

With MovieViews you may fine-tune your searches even further by selecting mul- tiple search items in a single search. The combinations of search items are virtu- ally endless. In this example, we will look for PG-13 movies that feature Kevin Costner and were released in 1994.

1.Press CLEAR .

2.Press CAST .

3.Select Costner, Kevin.

4.Press MENU and select MPAA

Rating from the Locate menu.

5.Select PG-13.

6.Press BACK .

7.Select Year.


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Franklin FLX-440 manual Selecting a Range of Years Putting It All Together, To learn how read “Locating Movies by Year.”