Searching for Words
➤If You Misspell a Search Word
If you enter a misspelled search word, a list of corrections appears.
Use to highlight a correction and then press ENTER .
➤Searching for Parts of Words
If you want to find prefixes, suf- fixes, or other parts of words, type an asterisk in place of the missing letters. For example, meta✻ and
then press | ENTER | . To type an as- |
terisk, hold | CAP | and press ? * . |
Then highlight a match and press ENTER to search for it.
Highlighting Search Words
You can also search for words by highlighting a word in a health topic or drug profile.
1.At the text of any health topic or drug profile, press ENTER .
Notice the highlight. To turn off the highlight, press BACK .
2.Use the arrow keys to high- light a word.
3.Press ENTER to search for it.
4.Press ENTER again to see the first match.
5.Hold ✩ and press DN repeat- edly to see the Outline locations of the next matches.
6.Press MENU to see the menu items with matches.
7.Press CLEAR when done.