words to search for 10 How to Take information 8 Index, using 12 Installing book cards 3 Key combinations 2 Limited Warranty 14 Menus
Drugs 7
Index 12
Setup 5
Misspellings, correcting
drug names 8 search words 10
Numbers, typing 6
Outline location
of word search matches 9 viewing from text 7
Overdosage 8 Pregnancy information 8 Prescription information 8 Punctuation, typing 9 Quick keys 3, 8
Remaining matches in Index message 9 Removing book cards 3
Screen contrast 5 Search words
spelling correction 10 Searching
for parts of words 10 for words
by highlighting them in text 10
for words and phrases by entering words 9
for words in other books 12 Selecting
books 4 settings 5 Setup menu 5 Shutoff time 5 Side effects 8
Slanted arrows 5 Special warnings 8 Spelling correction drug names 8
search words 10 STAR+CARD 12 STAR+ENTER 8 Troubleshooting tips 13 Tutorial 5
Type size 5 Typing
asterisks 10 numbers 6
Viewing demonstration 5 help messages 5 Outline location
after word search 9 from text 7
word search matches 9, 10 Warranty (U.S. only) 14 Word searches