Searching for Words
6.Use or
to highlight the chapter you want, and press ENTER to see the text. For example, select Chapter 6.
Note that the main search words are boxed.
7.Press fn + or
to see the next or previous match (if any).
8.Press CLEAR when done.
➤If You Misspell Words
If you enter a misspelled word, or enter a word not in this Bible, spell- ing corrections appear. Select the correction that you want from the list, or press BACK to change your re- quest.
Searching for Words
➤Using MatchMaker
Your Bible has a MatchMaker fea- ture to help you find words. If you are unsure of the spelling or completion of a word, use ✳ to stand for one or more letters in a word. For example, to find Zaphnathpaaneah, type zaph✳.
Press ENTER to select the high- lighted word.
You can either continue to highlight a menu item and press ENTER till you come to text, or you can hold fn and press ENTER to go directly to the text.