ENTER to start the search. 5. Use or to highlight the book you want, and press ENTER to see the name(s) of the chapters with the matches. For example, select Luke.
Searching for Words
Just as if you were using a concor- dance, you can search for almost any word or phrase in this Bible. Simply en- ter search words to find their occur- rences, or matches.
1.Press SEARCH .
2.Type your search word(s). For example, type kingdom of God.
You can type up to 35 letters. To type
a space, press SPACE .
Note: You cannot search for common words such as and and the on their own.
3. Press
After a word search, only those books with matches are listed in the Menu.
Searching for Words
4.Use or
to highlight the menu item you want, and press ENTER to see the name(s) of the book(s) with the matches. For example, select New Testament.
You may also hold fn and press ENTER to go directly to the text. You will go to the first match.