Finding Bible Verses |
| Finding Bible Verses |
To go directly to a specific Bible verse, enter its book title, chapter number, and verse number.
If you enter only a book title and chapter number, you will go to the start of the chapter. If you enter only a book title, you will go to the start of that book.
1.Press CLEAR .
2.Type a book title, chapter number, and verse number.
To find a book that has more than one volume, you need to type the numeral first. For example, to find II Corinthians 5 1, type 2co51.
To type numbers, hold fn and press
3. Press ENTER to read.
4. Use , fn +
or SPACE to scroll down.
5. Press CLEAR when done.
Note: Type the initial letters of a book and the title will be completed for you. For example, type la for Lamentations, le for Leviticus or lu for Luke.