Finding Drugs by Category

You can also find drug monographs by using the Categories menu. The Categories menu lists drugs by class.

1.Press CLEAR .

2.Press to highlight the Categories menu.3.Start typing a category. For ex- ample, type inotropic agents.

You do not need to type capitals. To undo a letter, press BACK .

4.When the category is high- lighted, press ENTER .

Or scroll to another category and then press ENTER .

5.Highlight a drug by typing its name or by scrolling to it. For example, highlight digoxin injection.

6.Press ENTER .
Finding Drugs by Category

7.To see the next or previous monograph in the category, hold and use DN or UP.

8.To see the list of drugs in the category, press BACK .9.Press CLEAR when finished.Viewing Your Location

When you are reading a drug mono- graph or other text, you can see the

current monograph (or chapter) and section titles by pressing SPEC or

?* . To return to the monograph or text, press BACK .

Using NEXT and PREV

When you find a drug monograph using the Drugs menu, holding and pressing UP or DN displays the monograph of the next or previous drug listed on the Drugs menu.

When you find a monograph using the Categories menu, plus UP or DN displays the next or previous monograph within the selected category only.