Finding Drugs by Category
You can also find drug monographs by using the Categories menu. The Categories menu lists drugs by class.
1.Press CLEAR .
2.Press to highlight the Categories menu.3.Start typing a category. For ex- ample, type inotropic agents.You do not need to type capitals. To undo a letter, press BACK .
4.When the category is high- lighted, press ENTER .Or scroll to another category and then press ENTER .
5.Highlight a drug by typing its name or by scrolling to it. For example, highlight digoxin injection.
6.Press ENTER .7.To see the next or previous monograph in the category, hold ✩ and use DN or UP.
8.To see the list of drugs in the category, press BACK .9.Press CLEAR when finished.➤Viewing Your LocationWhen you are reading a drug mono- graph or other text, you can see the
current monograph (or chapter) and section titles by pressing SPEC or
?* . To return to the monograph or text, press BACK .
➤Using NEXT and PREVWhen you find a drug monograph using the Drugs menu, holding ✩ and pressing UP or DN displays the monograph of the next or previous drug listed on the Drugs menu.
When you find a monograph using the Categories menu, ✩ plus UP or DN displays the next or previous monograph within the selected category only.