Reading Cross-references,

Footnotes, and Tables

Throughout this book, cross-references (indicated by ’s) and footnotes (indicated by’s) appear.

Cross-references take you directly to related material, such as tables. Footnotes contain explanatory or qualifying information

1.When you see a or in the text, hold and press ENTER to highlight it.

If more than one or appears

on the screen, continue holding

and pressing ENTER until the or that you want is highlighted.

2.Press ENTER .

This is a sample cross-reference.

3.Press BACK to go back to the highlighted icon.
Reading Cross-references,Footnotes, and Tables4.Press BACK again to turn off the highlight.Looking up Abbreviations

Here is a quick way to find the meaning of abbreviations (except single letters) when you are reading a drug monograph or other text.

First, press ENTER to start the high- light, and then use the arrow keys to highlight the abbreviation.

Next, press ENTER to see its mean- ing. To return to the text and turn off the highlight, press BACK twice.

Note: The meanings of all the abbreviations appear in the Appendix of this User’s Guide.

Understanding the Tables

The tables in this book are pre- sented as bulleted text, not as tabu- lar rows and columns, at the end of the appropriate monograph section.