Key Guide

+Q-PTypes numbers.


At the Word Search


screen, types a hyphen.

CAP + At a menu, goes to the last

or or first item. At a drug mono- graph, displays the next or previous section.

Quick Keys*

When you are reading a drug monograph, the Quick keys display these sections:




At the Word Search


screen, types an asterisk to


stand for a series charac-


ters or spaces in the


search word(s).

Understanding the Color Keys

The color keys (red, green, yellow, and blue) perform the functions listed in this Key Guide only for this book card.

Other books have their own color key functions, which are labelled on their cards or on the BOOKMAN keyboard. For more information, read “Using the Color Keys.”

TCompatible With



DDose Adjustments

LDrug/Lab Interactions

XIncompatible With

IIndications and Usage

NNeonatal/Infant Dose

PPediatric Dose


RRate of Administration

ESide Effects

UUsual Dose

*You can use the Quick keys only when a drug monograph is on screen.