Reading the Bible |
| Reading the Bible |
The simplest way to use this Bible is to select a book from the Old or New Testament and then read its text.
Each book has sections with titles. You can view section titles from the Old or New menu or directly from verses.
1.Press MENU .
2.Press the arrow keys to a book title under Old or New. (e.g., Romans under New).
3.Hold ✩ and press S to view its section titles.
4.Highlight a section title.
5.Press ENTER to view the section.
6.Press the direction keys to read.
7.Press MENU to return to the menus or press CLEAR to clear your selection.
➤Understanding Text Markings
•A ¶ indicates a new paragraph.
•Italics indicate section titles.
•Verse numbers are boldfaced at the start of verses.
➤Where in the Bible Am I?
At any Bible verse, you can view its book, chapter, and verse number by pressing ? ✻ .
➤From Verses to Sections
When Bible verses are in view, you can view a book’s section titles by holding ✩ and pressing S.
Then highlight the section that you want and press ENTER to view it.