Viewing Confusables™
Confusables are commonly confused words such as homonyms and spelling variants. When a C flashes to the right of a word in a thesaurus entry, that word has Confusables. Try this example.
1.Type a word (e.g., reign).
2.Press ENTER.
Notice the flashing C at the right of the screen.
3.Press CONF.
4.Press to view more Confusables.
Correcting Spellings
Whenever you enter a misspelled word, a list of corrections and similar words appear. NOTE: If you enter a correctly spelled word that does not have a thesaurus entry, Cor- rect word appears. Try this example.
1.Type a misspelled word.
2.Press ENTER.
3.Press to view similar words. NOTE: A flashing T after a word shows that it has at least one thesau- rus entry. To view its entry, press
4.Press CLEAR when finished.