Selecting a Skill Level |
| Selecting a Game |
Before you can begin playing CrossWire, you must choose one of three levels of difficulty. Later, you can change the skill level at any time by pressing MENU and highlighting the Level menu.
The skill level changes the amount of time you have to match clues, and it shuffles the categories into different game numbers. So for example, Game 1 will have different cat- egories at the Challenging level than at the Leisurely level.
to highlight the desired level, if necessary.
•Leisurely is the easiest level. You have more time to match the clues. You may want to begin at this level.
•Challenging is the default level. It is intended for intermediate players.
•Wired is the most challenging level. You have less time to match the clues. This is for expert players.
2.Press ENTER to select the level.
With CrossWire you can test your trivia knowledge by playing up to 100 different games. Note: You may press CLEAR at any time to exit a game and return to the Play Game Number screen. The game number will be the same as the game you exited.
to select a game number.
You can also press NEW (the red key) to increase the game number by one, or you can type in the desired game number using the number keys. To erase a game number, press BACK .
2.Press ENTER to play the game.
3.If you want, you can end your game at any time by pressing NEW (the red key).
Press Y to go to the next game. Press BACK to keep playing.