Hardware installation and setting
Chapter 3: Hardware installation and setting
AfterinstallingSkypeandFreecomInternetPhonedriver,pleasepluginFreecomInternetPhone into the USB port of your computer. You have the option to customize personal setting.
Freecom Internet Phone Installation
1.Go to the Start menu to select "Freecom Internet Phone" folder then start Freecom Internet Phone software. The first time you start the program, a Skype Warning Display will appear:
a)Allow this program to use Skype: Allow Freecom Internet Phone.exe to work with Skype permanently. Select this option is recommended.
b)Allow this program to use Skype, but ask again in the future: Every time when you start Freecom Internet Phone.exe, the above warning window will appear.
c)Do not allow this program to use Skype: Select this option to disconnect Free- com Internet Phone.exe to Skype.