| StainRemoval |
| Adhesive tape, chewing |
| Apply ice. Scrape off excess. Place stain face down on paper towels. Saturate with prewash stain remover or |
| gum, rubber cement |
| nonflammable dry cleaning fluid. |
| Baby formula, dairy |
| Use product containing enzymes to pretreat or soak stains. Soak for 30 minutes or more. Wash. |
| products, egg |
| Beverages (coffee, tea, |
| Pretreat stain. Wash using cold water and bleach safe for fabric. |
| soda, |
| juice, alcoholic beverages) |
| Rinse with cold water. Rub with bar soap. Or, pretreat or soak with product containing enzymes. Wash using |
| |
| Blood |
| bleach safe for fabric. |
| Scrape off surface wax. Place stain face down between paper towels. Press with warm iron until wax is |
| Candle wax, crayon |
| absorbed. Replace paper towels frequently. Treat remaining stain with prewash stain remover or nonflammable |
| dry cleaning fluid. Hand wash to remove solvent. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| Pretreat or soak in warm water using product containing enzymes. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| Chocolate |
| Pretreat with prewash stain remover or rub with bar soap. |
| |
| Collar or cuff soil, cosmetics |
| Use packaged color remover. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| |
| Dye transfer on white |
| Pretreat or soak in warm water using product containing enzymes. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| fabric |
| |
| Grass |
| Scrape residue from fabric. Pretreat. Wash using hottest water safe for fabric. For heavy stains and tar, apply |
| nonflammable dry cleaning fluid to back of stain. Replace towels under stain frequently. Rinse thoroughly. Wash |
| Grease, oil, tar (butter, fats, |
| using hottest water safe for fabric. |
| salad dressing, cooking oils, |
| Some inks may be impossible to remove. Washing may set some inks. Use prewash stain remover, denatured |
| car grease, motor oils) |
| |
| alcohol or nonflammable dry cleaning fluid. |
| Ink |
| Wash with chlorine bleach if safe for fabric. Or, soak in oxygen bleach and hot water before washing. Badly |
| |
| mildewed fabrics may be permanently damaged. |
| Mildew, scorch |
| Brush off dry mud. Pretreat or soak with product containing enzymes. |
| |
| Mud |
| Pretreat with prewash stain remover. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| Mustard, tomato |
| May be impossible to remove. Place stain face down on paper towels. Apply nail polish remover to back of stain. |
| Repeat, replacing paper towels frequently. Do not use on acetate fabrics. |
| Nail polish |
| WATER BASED: Rinse fabric in cool water while stain is wet. Wash. Once paint is dry, it cannot be removed. OIL |
| |
| BASED AND VARNISH: Use solvent recommended on can label. Rinse thoroughly before washing. |
| Paint, varnish |
| Use prewash stain remover or rub with bar soap. Rinse. Wash using nonchlorine bleach in hottest water safe for |
| |
| Perspiration |
| fabric. |
| For spots, use rust remover safe for fabric. For discoloration of an entire load, use phosphate detergent and |
| |
| |
| Rust, brown or yellow |
| nonchlorine bleach. Do not use chlorine bleach because it may intensify discoloration. |
| discoloration |
| LIQUID: Pretreat with a paste of granular detergent and water. PASTE: Scrape residue from fabric. Pretreat |
| |
| Shoe polish |
| with prewash stain remover or nonflammable dry cleaning fluid. Rinse. Rub detergent into dampened area. |
| Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| Urine, vomit, mucus, feces |
| Pretreat or soak in product containing enzymes. Wash using bleach safe for fabric. |
| ||