| IContinuous Shooting (Burst Mode) |
BZOOM BRACKETING | OAE BKT | ||||||||||||||||||||
Each time the shutter button is pressed, the cam- | Each time the shutter button is pressed, the cam- | ||||||||||||||||||||
era takes three pictures: one at the current zoom | era takes three shots: one using the metered val- | ||||||||||||||||||||
ratio with an image size of O, a second zoomed | ue for exposure, the second overexposed by the | ||||||||||||||||||||
in 1.4 × and cropped to P, and a third zoomed in | amount selected for JAE BKT EV STEPS in the | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 × and cropped to Q. Two frames are displayed | shooting menu (pg. 89), and the third underex- | ||||||||||||||||||||
to show the areas that will be included in the sec- | posed by the same amount (the camera may not | ||||||||||||||||||||
ond and third pictures; the outer frame shows the | be able to use the selected bracketing increment | ||||||||||||||||||||
area that will be recorded at 1.4 × zoom, the inner | if the amount of over- or | ||||||||||||||||||||
frame the area that will be recorded at 2 × zoom. | the limits of the exposure metering system). | ||||||||||||||||||||
Press the selector up to choose from wide and tall |
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crops. |
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