A passion for image quality that's second to none.

When you master the cra￿ of photography it becomes art.

80 years of photo ￿lm research adds up to color reproduction that's second to none.

Over decades of ￿lm manufacture Fuji￿lm has perfected the skill of color reproduction and it lives on in the X-T1. Pleasing skin tones, natural blues and greens, and the ability to perfectly record the diversity of white balance conditions throughout the day are all taken in the camera's stride, and it also boasts a wide dynamic range for better reproduction of detail.

Fujinon, the emblem of lens reliability.

To match the ultimate camera, Fujinon makes the ultimate lenses. All optics are developed in house and the close collaboration of lens designers and so￿ware engineers is a Fujinon tradition, allowing maximum resolution to be achieved while eliminating defects. To further improve performance, resolve clear images even under di￿cult lighting conditions, and eliminate ghosting and ￿are, Fujinon's High Transmittance Electron Beam Coatings are applied.

19 XF23mmF1.4 R F1.4 1/500sec. ISO500 / Rommel Bundalian (Philippines)