CHAPTER 4 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
4.6 Hot Replacement of PCI Express Cards
¥_ round-robin 0 [prio=2][active]
¥_ 3:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 [active][ready]
¥_ 4:0:0:0 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
Example of DM-MP display after disconnecting path
# /sbin/multipath -ll
mpath1 (36000b5d0006a0000006a104900000000) dm-0
¥_ round-robin 0 [prio=1][enabled]
¥_ 3:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 [active][ready]
*2: See the ETERNUS Multipath Driver User's Guide (For Linux).
FC card
1. Stop the access to FC card on IOU by such a way as stopping application.

4.5.2 DR operation of IOU hot remove

This section describes DR operation for executing IOU hot remove.
1. Execute the /opt/FJSVdp-util/sbin/dp rm IOU command from the operating system shell. The IOU to be
removal will be powered off.
ExampleTo power off IOU3.
# /opt/FJSVdp-util/sbin/dp rm IOU3
2. Log into the MMB Web-UI using Administrator privileges.
3. Execute hotremove command.
ExampleWhen removing IOU3 from partition1
# hotremove partition 1 IOU 3 quiet

4.5.3 Operation after IOU hot remove

This section describes the process and operation after IOU hot remove.
IOU removed from the partition has become free state” where it does not belong to any partition. You can
perform below operations:
- Pull up the IOU from the cabinet physically.
- Integrate the IOU into other inactive partition.
- Hot add the IOU into other active partition.
Perform the necessary post processing (such as re-starting an application) for the operations performed for
the higher-level applications in 4.5.1 Preparation for IOU hot remove.
NIC on the IOU (including onboard NIC)
1. Restart the application which is stop at preparing for IOU hot replacement
FC Card
1. Restart the application which is stop at preparing for IOU hot replacement
4.6 Hot Replacement of PCI Express Cards
This section describes the following methods of PCI Express card replacement with the PCI Hot Plug (PHP)
- Common replacement operations for all PCI Express cards such as power supply operations
- Specific operations added to procedures to use a specified card function or a driver for installation