CHAPTER 7 Backup and Restore
7.1 Backing Up and Restoring Configuration Information
FIGURE 7.4 [Backup/Restore MMB Configuration] window
1. Click the [Backup] button.
The browser dialog box for selecting the save destination appears.
2. Select the save destination path. Then, click the [OK] button.
Download of the file begins. The default MMB Configuration file name for the backup is as follows:
MMB_(save date)_(MMB version).dat
Restoring MMB configuration information 1. Confirm that the system has stopped completely.
2. Select the backup MMB Configuration file stored on the Remote PC. Then, click the [Restore] button.
File transfer to the MMB begins. A restore confirmation dialog box appears when the file transfer is
FIGURE 7.5 Restore confirmation dialog box
3. To restore MMB configuration information, click the [OK] button. To cancel restoration, click the [Cancel]