CHAPTER 1 Network Environment Setup and Tool Installation
1.6 Management Tool Operating Conditions and Use
- For a terminal whose operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7, set UAC (User Account Control)
or UAP (User Account Protection) to "Disabled”.
- For video redirection and virtual media, a connection may not be established if the network is connected
via a proxy. In such cases, change the browser setting to avoid network connection via the proxy.
- To start the video direction function with Internet Explorer, click the mouse while holding down the
[Control] key. Even if the following message is displayed, click the mouse while holding down the
[Control] key.
- Message displayed on the status bar of Internet Explorer
"Pop-up blocked." (To allow the pop-up window to open, click the mouse while holding down the [Ctrl] key.
With FireFox, you can establish a connection simply by clicking the mouse.
- If " java.net.SocketException: Malformed reply from SOCKS server" occurs when you attempt to establish
a video redirection connection, make the following browser setting.
- For Internet Explorer:
1. Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Connection] tab - [LAN Settings] - [Proxy Server] - [Advanced].
2. Uncheck [Use the same proxy server for all protocols].
3. Clear the Socks field.
- For FireFox:
1. Select [Tools] - [Options] - [Network] tab - [Connection Settings].
2. Check [Manual proxy configuration].
3. Uncheck [Use this proxy server for all protocols].
4. Clear the SOCKS field.
- Window may be maximized when you attempt to establish a video redirection connection or during video
redirection connection. In such cases, change to window size suitable for environment of your terminal.
The following lists the maximum number of connections using the remote operation (BMC) function.
TABLE 1.7 Maximum number of connections using the remote operation function
Video redirection
Up to 2 users can be connected concurrently. However, only 1 user can
perform operations. The other user can only refer to information.
Virtual Media
Up to two devices can be connected for floppy, CD or DVD, Hard disk drive,
The operating conditions for BMC installation of individual BMC functions is described below.
Operating environment settings You need to make the appropriate settings for video redirection and virtual media for your network
environment. In the [Console Redirection Setup] window of the MMB Web-UI, set the IP address and subnet
mask, and set enable or disable for video redirection and virtual media.
For details on setup by MMB Web-UI, see ‘1.3.6 [Console Redirection Setup] menu’ in “PRIMEQUEST 2000
series Tool Reference” (C122-E177EN).
Video redirection With the video redirection function, users can access windows for the partition side from a remote location.
When a user starts video redirection from the [Console Redirection] window of the MMB Web-UI, a Java
applet is sent to the user's terminal. Through the Java applet, the terminal displays VGA output sent to the
User input with the mouse or keyboard on the terminal is routed through the LAN to the partition.
List of video redirection function is shown below.
TABLE 1.8 List of video redirection function
Perform operation of screen
display such as pause, zoom-in,