CHAPTER 10 Error Notification and Maintenance (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
10.6 Firmware Updates
- Operation log information
- Physical inventory (including PCI_Boxes) information
- System and partition configuration information
- System and partition configuration file
- Information on internal rack sensor definitions
10.6 Firmware Updates
The PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server is configured with BIOS, BMC, and MMB firmware.
Each firmware is managed as a total version integrating different versions.
The firmware is updated from the MMB in batch (applying to all the firmware at all locations within the system).
For details on firmware updates, see 1.6.1 [Firmware Update] menu in the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Tool
Reference (C122-E177EN).

10.6.1 Notes on updating firmware

If the MMB or SB fails, perform maintenance on it before updating the firmware. Do not update the firmware
in a configuration containing a faulty MMB or SB.