CHAPTER 10 Error Notification and Maintenance (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
10.3 Notes on Troubleshooting
10.2.9 Problems with partition operations
- [Status] in the information area of t h e MMB Web-UI changes to "Error" when [Power Off], [Reset], or
[Force Power Off] is executed on the partition or when the partition is shut down from the operating
system. Also, the MMB Web-UI displays [Read Error] in [Part Number] and [Serial Number] of each
- Cause: Hardware may have failed.
Corrective action: Contact your sales representative or a field engineer. Do not execute [Reset] or [Force
Power Off] on the partition until the problem is solved. Before making contact, confirm the model name
and serial number shown on the label affixed to the main unit.
- During the partition power-on sequence from the beginning of power-on until execution of the reset
process, if another partition is powered on in a scheduled operation, the booting of the part i tion powered
on earlier may not complete.
- Cause: An MMB firmware restriction causes this problem.
Corrective action: Execute [Force Power Off] on the partition causing the problem, and execute [Power
On] again.
10.3 Notes on Troubleshooting This section provides notes on troubleshooting.
- In the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series, if you unplug all the AC power cables while the device is in standby
mode, the system event log records AC Lost (Severity: Info). This is neither a problem nor a failure. It is a
normal situation.
The following example shows this type of message.
(Item): Severity Unit Source EventID Description
--------- : --------------------------------------------------------------
(Display): Info PSU#*** ******** Power Supply input lost during the cabinet power off
10.4 Collecting Maintenance Data System problems include cases where the partition abnormally stops and cases where the partition is running
but hangs. In all such cases, you need to collect data for investigation to troubleshoot the problem.
Be sure to configure the memory dump before starting to use the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server. Fujitsu
uses this information to identify the cause of the system problem and solve it quickly.
TABLE 10.4 System problems and memory dump collection
System status
Memory dump collection
Partition stopped abnormally
A memory dump for the partition
has already been collected.
10.4.2 Collecting data for
investigation (Windows)
10.4.3 Setting up the dump
environment (Windows)
Partition hung up, not stopped
Acquire memory dump by
10.4.1 Logs that can be collected
by the MMB
10.4.1 Logs that can be collected by the MMB
The MMB Web-UI can collect the events that occur in the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series system.
The SEL (system event log) can hold up to 32,000 events. When the SEL is full, each new entry will replace
the oldest entry in the SEL.
You can filter the event logs to display, download event log stored in the SEL, and clear all the stored event
logs in the SEL from the [System Event Log] window.
This section describes operations with the SEL.
Checking the event log
1. Click [System] - [System Event Log].
The [System Event Log] window appears.