ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems User’s Guide -Server Connection- (iSCSI) for VMware® ESX
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-3412-11ENZ0
The Contents and Structure of this ManualThis manual is composed of the following seven chapters.
●Chapter 1 Workflow
This describes how to connect the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems to a server running
VMware ESX.
●Chapter 2 Checking the Server Environment
This describes which servers can be connected to ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
●Chapter 3 Notes
This describes issues that should be noted when connecting the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
systems and server.
●Chapter 4 Installing and Setting Up ETERNUSmgr
This describes how to install ETERNUSmgr.
●Chapter 5 Setting Up the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage Systems
This describes how to set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
●Chapter 6 Setting Up the VMware ESX Server
This describes how to set up the VMware ESX server.
●Chapter 7 Virtual Machine
This describes how to operate the Virtual Machine.
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