This section describes how to change the backup destination directory for the online backup of metering resources.
To change the backup destination directory, the files and items in the table shown below must be changed.
File to be Changed File Name Item to be Changed
Operational settings file for the database postgresql.conf WAL save directory
Operational settings file for online backup WAL save directory
Backup directory
Stopping the Manager
Stop the manager.
For details on how to stop the manager, refer to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager".
Changing the Backup Destination Directory
This section describes how to change the backup destination directory, based on the example shown below.
[Windows Manager]
Directory Type Directory Path
Backup directory
change C:\Fujitsu\ROR\RCXCTMG\backup\data
After change D:\basebackup
WAL save directory
change C:\Fujitsu\ROR\RCXCTMG\backup\wal
After change E:\walbackup
[Linux Manager]
Directory Type Directory Path
Backup directory
change /var/opt/FJSVctchg/backup/data
After change /basebackup
WAL save directory
change /var/opt/FJSVctchg/backup/wal
After change /walbackup
1. Create a new backup directory.
[Windows Manager]
> cd \ <RETURN>
> mkdir basebackup\Charging <RETURN>
> cd \ <RETURN>
> mkdir walbackup\Charging <RETURN>
[Linux Manager]
# mkdir /basebackup <RETURN>
# mkdir /walbackup <RETURN>
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