1. Modify the portal.properties file.
Open the following file:
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
Change the port numbers specified in the following URLs. Set the same values in the port numbers:
2. Start the Interstage Management Console.
The procedure for starting the Interstage Management Console is as follows:
[Windows Manager]
From the Start menu, select All Programs > Interstage > Application Server > Interstage Management Console.
[Linux Manager]
1. Start the Web browser.
2. Specify the URL of the Interstage Management Console.
The URL format is as follows:
(If SSL encrypted communication is not being used)
Host name
Port number
(If SSL encrypted communication is being used)
Host name
Port number
3. Login to the Interstage Management Console.
3. Change the port number.
Select System > Services > Web Server > RCXCT-ext > Web Server Settings to change the port number.
Changing the port number of L-Platform management
The procedure for changing the port number is as follows.
1. Modify the portal.properties file.
Open the following file:
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
Change the port numbers specified in the following URL:
An example is shown below. The parts in italics show the information that is changed.
vsys.host =
- 24 -