-If the <VM pool name> option is omitted when executing the L-Server import command, it will not be possible to register
accounting information for the CPU, CPU clock or memory capacity.
-If the <storage pool name> option is omitted when executing the L-Server import command, it will not be possible to register
accounting information for the L-Server data disk.
2. Obtain the template information list that was automatically generated by the L-Server import command. The template information
list can be obtained using the template information list display command. Refer to "9.12 cfmg_listtemplate (Displaying Template
Information List)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE"
for information on how to use the template information list
display command.
3. Point
Check the following tags to distinguish between automatically generated templates:
-Template ID (<template><id>): The template ID output when the L-Server import command is executed.
-L-Server name (<template><description>): The L-Server name specified when the L-Server import command is executed.
4. Execute the output function of the product master maintenance command.
The accounting information of the L-Platform templates registered on the product master will be output to the specified accounting
information file by executing the output function of the product master maintenance command. Refer to "10.4 productmaintain
(Product Master Maintenance)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE" for information on the output function of the product
master maintenance command.
This operation is unnecessary for the initial registration. Create a new accounting information file from step 4.
5. Add the accounting information to the output accounting information file based on the template information list.
When applying a start date for the accounting information to be added, specify a date/time prior to the date/time that the L-Server
import command was executed. Omit the end of applicable date. Refer to "15.2.2 Accounting Information File Format" for
information on the accounting information file format.
Start of applicable date End of applicable date
Data A ID001 0 $2.00 2012-01-01T00:00:00.000+0900 None
6. Execute the register function of the product master maintenance command.
Specify the accounting information file updated, and execute the product master maintenance command. Refer to "10.4
productmaintain (Product Master Maintenance)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE" for information on the register
function of the product master maintenance command.
15.3.2 Modify Accounting Information CommandModify the accounting information of the L-Platform templates that are already enabled. This corresponds to the case of raising the price
or setting limited time price for campaign.
It is also possible to modify accounting information for L-Servers imported into the system.
Follow the procedures below to modify accounting information for either L-Platform templates registered in the product master or L-
Servers imported into the system.
1. Execute the output function of the product master maintenance command.
The accounting information of the L-Platform templates registered on the product master will be output to the specified accounting
information file by executing the output function of the product master maintenance command. Refer to "10.4 productmaintain
(Product Master Maintenance)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE" for information on the output function of the product
master maintenance command.
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