Key Description Default value
accounting.use (*) Specify whether to use the usage charge
-yes: Use the usage charge calculator.
-no: Do not use the usage charge
gui.cutoffdate (*) Specify the default for the cut-off date
displayed in the tenant management
window of the ROR console.
Specify a value between 1 and 31.
In cases where the specified date does not
exist, the cut-off date will be the end of the
month. For example, if 31 is specified, but
the month only contains 30 days, then the
30th will be the cut-off date.
gui.sendmailaddress (*) Specify the default for the address to send
the usage fee displayed in the tenant
management window of the ROR console.
usedtime.metering.cpu.perf.vserver When overcommit is enabled, specify
whether to calculate the CPU clock of the
virtual server using CPU performance or
CPU reserve performance.
-cpu_perf: Calculate with CPU
-cpu_reserve: Calculate with CPU
reserve performance
usedtime.metering.memory.vserver When overcommit is enabled, specify
whether to calculate the memory usage of
the virtual server using memory or memory
-memory_size: Calculate with memory
-memory_reserve: Calculate with
memory reserve
* note: This can be set by "Setup Wizard" on the ROR Console.
An example is shown below:
accounting.use = yes
... omitted
gui.cutoffdate = 20
gui.sendmailaddress =
... omitted
usedtime.metering.cpu.perf.vserver = cpu_reserve
usedtime.metering.memory.vserver = memory_reserve
... omitted
3. Restart the Manager.
Refer to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager" for information on how to restart the manager.
8.8 System Condition Server List Settings
This section explains how to change the System Condition Server List settings.
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