M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Administration Guide. For details of the DR function, see the SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) User’s Guide.

The SolarisTM Operating System (Solaris 10 or later) is supported.

With an added function for error prediction and self-recovery by the system (Predictive Self-Healing) and enhanced process privilege management and network functions, the Solaris Operating System sets new standards for performance, efficiency, availability, and security.

Capacity on Demand (CoD)

Supports Capacity on Demand (CoD), which enables instantaneous increases in the CPU capacity according to increases in the job load. Spare CPUs that are mounted in advance can be used immediately upon purchase of a corresponding number of CPU licenses, thereby accommodating such needs for increased processing capacity.

For details, see the SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Administration Guide.

1.2System Specifications

This section lists specifications of both high-end servers, shows their appearance, and provides an overview of the operator panel.

Chapter 1 System Overview 1-7