1.1 Maintenance
1.1.2 Maintenance requirements
(1) Preventive maintenance
The disk drive needs no preventive maintenance, not even the air filter needs to be changed.
Device damage
The DE is completely sealed. Do not open the DE in the field.
(2) Service life
In situations where management and handling are correct, the life of the disk drive is five years when the DE surface temperature is less than 48°C. When the DE surface temperature exceeds 48°C, the life is five years or 20,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first. Refer to Section 1.7 and 3.2 in Product Manual.
(3) Exchangeable parts in field
The PCA and the DE cannot be replaced separately in the field. Replace the whole disk drive.
(4) Service system and repair
Fujitsu Limited has a disk drive service system and repair facility. When making a request for repair or parts replacement, you should provide related information usually including:
a)Model name of disk drive, part number (P/N), disk drive revision number, manufacture serial number (S/N), and date of manufacture of the disk drive
b)Circumstances when the fault occurred
−Date of trouble occurred
−System configuration
−Environmental conditions (including temperature, humidity, and voltage)
c)Fault history of the drive
d)Details of the fault
−Description of the fault
−Issued command and specified parameters
−Status (Status/Error register)
−Interval of the fault
−Other information for fault diagnosis