Acronyms and Abbreviations
| A |
ABRT | Aborted command |
AC | Alternating current |
AIC | Automatic idle control |
AMNF | Address mark not found |
ATA | AT attachment |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
| B |
BBK | Bad block detected |
BIOS | Basic |
| C |
CORR | Corrected data |
CH | Cylinder high register |
CL | Cylinder low register |
CM | Command register |
CMOS | Complementary |
| |
CSR | Current sense register |
CSS | Contact start/stop |
CY | Cylinder register |
| D |
dBA | dB |
DC | Direct current |
DE | Disk enclosure |
DH | Device/head register |
DRDY | Drive ready |
DRQ | Data request bit |
DSC | Drive seek complete |
DWF | Drive write fault |
| E |
ECC | Error checking and correction |
ER | Error register |
ERR | Error |
| F |
FR | Features register |
| G |
GB | Giga byte |
| H |
HA | Host adapter |
HDD | Hard disk drive |
| I |
IDNF | ID not found |
IRQ14 | Interrupt request 14 |
| L |
LED | Light emitting diode |
| M |
MB | |
MB/s | |
MPU | Micro processor unit |
MTBF | Mean time between failures |
MTTR | Mean time to repair |
| O |
OEM | Original equipment manufacture |
| P |
PCA | Printed circuit assembly |
PIO | Programmed |
P/N | Parts number |
| R |
RLL | |
| S |
SA | System area |
SC | Sector count register |
SG | Signal ground |
SN | Sector number register |
ST | Status register |
S/N | Serial number |
| T |
TPI | Tracks per inches |
TR0NF | Track 0 not found |
Typ | Typical |