C141-E072-01EN5 - 56
This command invalidates the user password already set and releases the lock function.
The host transfers the 512-byte data shown in Table 1.1 to the device. The device compares
the user password or master password in the transferred data with the user password or master
password already set, and releases the lock function if the passwords are the same.
Although this command invalidates the user password, the master password is retained. To
recover the master password, issue the SECURITY SET PASSWORD command and reset the
user password.
If the user password or master password transferred from the host does not match, the Aborted
Command error is returned.
Issuing this command while in LOCKED MODE or FROZEN MODE returns the Aborted
Command error.
(The section about the SECURITY FREEZE LOCK command describes LOCKED MODE
Table 5.11 Contents of security password
Word Contents
0Control word
Bit 0: Identifier
0 = Compares the user passwords.
1 = Compares the master passwords.
Bits 1 to 15: Reserved
1 to 16 Password (32 bytes)
17 to 255 Reserved