C141-E072-01EN5 - 16
5.3.2 Command descriptions
The contents of the I/O registers to be necessary for issuing a command and the example
indication of the I/O registers at command completion are shown as following in this
At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)
Bit 76543210
1F7H(CM) 00100000
1F6H(DH) ×L×DV Head No. / LBA [MSB]
1F5H(CH) Start cylinder address [MSB] / LBA
1F4H(CL) Start cylinder address [LSB] / LBA
1F3H(SN) Start sector No. / LBA [LSB]
1F2H(SC) Transfer sector count
1F1H(FR) xx
At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)
Bit 76543210
1F7H(ST) Error information
1F6H(DH) ×L×DV End Head No. / LBA [MSB]
1F5H(CH) End cylinder address [MSB]/ LBA
1F4H(CL) End cylinder address [LSB] / LBA
1F3H(SN) End sector No. / LBA [LSB]
1F2H(SC) X‘00’
1F1H(ER) Error information
CM: Command register FR: Features register
DH: Device/Head register ST: Status register
CH: Cylinder High register ER: Error register
CL: Cylinder Low register L: LBA (logical block address) setting bit
SN: Sector Number register DV: Device address. bit
SC: Sector Count register x, xx: Do not care (no necessary to set)