Fujitsu V8.0B10 manual Restrictions, Maintenance scope, Database, Interrupted job on a PJL printer

Models: V8.0B10

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When a user requires notifications (job, device) via the FILE method, a timestamp is now added at the beginning of the message. However, you can erase this timestamp by setting the environment variable XP_NOTIF_TIMESTAMP to NONE.

In a domain with different versions of Xprint, only the components of the version 8.0 get their status correctly reported in Domain Monitoring GUI.

In heterogeneous networks, using several versions of the product, only the last major release can have the role of MASTER.

As the former library versions (Xprint version < 5.0A) are no longer released, the application linked with these old libraries must be recompiled with at least the version 5.0A Xprint development kit in order to run with the current version. The resulting application must run with the set-uid-bit set on the binary with owner BIN.

3.8 Restrictions

3.8.1 Maintenance scope

Guarantee is not provided for PCLs, filters and back- ends that you have modified or written yourself.

The two-printer license has only the status of an evaluattion license. This evaluation license does not include any maintenance and warranty rights. Support, update, maintenance and warranty rights are only available with purchased licenses.

3.8.2 Installation

In the context of an upgrade, or any re-installation, the Xprint installer does not automatically stop the Xprint R/3 Kit server service, if it is running. This service has to be stopped manually before installation.

3.8.3 The database

Xprint does not represent "error-tolerant" software: It relies on the integrity of some files to save the configuration or job information in the database or job control files. If one of these files is destroyed for some reason (e.g. during a system crash), you may lose some of your data and, under certain circumstances, no longer be able to restart Xprint. In the case of distributed configurations, a database copy can be restored from a remote host via "DBinstall". On local installations, it is highly recommendable to save the "\Program Files\Xprint\DB.local" directory on a regular basis to avoid such problems, although they are exceptional.

3.8.4Xprint fax and mail support


3.8.5Jobs sent to a remote domain

When a job is sent to a remote domain with a requested notification (-na, -ev or -nm specified), it will be no more possible to modify these attributes. The modification of the job will be rejected with the message XP000146: Request refused by the server.

A job submitted via gateway to another domain can not be modified anymore (xpmod...) from the original host if this job was submitted with notification.

3.8.6 Interrupted job on a PJL printer

When a job is interrupted on a PJL printer, the number of printed page displayed in the job status is the number of sent pages.

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Fujitsu V8.0B10 manual Restrictions, Maintenance scope, Database, Xprint fax and mail support Jobs sent to a remote domain