Fujitsu V8.0B10 Standard entries, Notification event, Requesting the job states with the APIs

Models: V8.0B10

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3.5.10 Standard entries

If no supervisor or server is specified when a device is set up, Xprint automatically generates a server and a supervisor, both under the host name. The Xprint system comprises various entities, including servers and supervisors. The server controls the job database. The server also controls the supervisor. A supervisor controls a number of devices. Among other things, the supervisor is responsible for retrieving all data required for printing a job. In previous versions, a server had to be specified in the definition of a supervisor, and a supervisor had to be specified in the definition of a device.

These specifications have become optional in Xprint V5.x. Standard entries are generated when the option concerned is not specified and no entry exists. Standard entries are always given the main name of the host as their ID. Please note that names may be truncated to 14 characters if you are using an ATT type of operating system.

Each entry that is identified by the main name of the host is treated like a standard entry that has been generated to replace default values.

3.5.11 Notification event

Setting the job into INTERRUPTED can now also be trapped as job notification event. The key word INTERRUPTED can be used for that purpose. This event is automatically selected when ALL is specified within xpadd -job -ne.

3.5.12 Requesting the job states with the APIs

The Xp_job structure returned by shw_job_cli() includes a state field which stands for the job state as known by the server. This field is no longer relevant once the job becomes ACTIVE. The job may indeed run into DEVICE_ERROR. The shw_job_cli() function should only be used in order to return static information concerning the job. The sta_job_cli() should rather be preferred in order to collect the job state.

3.5.13 Page context

Computing the page context may be a very complex task for documents having their resources embedded in the data to be printed. As result, any print with page selection may not give the expected result. The repositioning may be correct but the fonts to be used as any background layer is not guaranteed. In a similar way, any repositioning with the xpchange -dev -rf may print the page to be recovered with wrong settings if the printer fault has caused a cleanup of its memory.

3.5.14 Inter-domain notification

The job notification is now supported by the inter-domain printing (by usage of gateways). The only specific requirement is that all the involved systems run at least the version 6.0A00. Moreover, if you select the COMMAND notification method and that you would like to use parameter values gathering spaces, you have to use the \" (backslash double-quote) as separator to encapsulate these values.

3.5.15 Goodies

There is no warranty for using the goodis. The "C:\Program files\Xprint\goodies\tools directory (“C:\Program Files\Xprint” is the default installation path) contains some useful tools with which you can, for example, easily search for log files, clean up the "config" directory, etc. The "goodies\samples" directory contains some examples of API use.

3.5.16 Job id limit

In Xprint versions prior to V8.0A10, the maximum number of job submitted per host was limited to 32.767 at a time. Now, this limit has been increased up to 999.999. However, in order to keep compatibility with older versions, the limit is still 32767 as soon as one or more servers of older versions are detected in the domain. Moreover, the job IDs between 32768 and 999999 are returned as zero by clients of older versions working through a gateway, and by the API functions of compatibility libraries

3.5.17 Mercator Viewing

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Fujitsu V8.0B10 manual Standard entries, Notification event, Requesting the job states with the APIs, Context, Goodies