Fujitsu V8.0B10 manual Documentation, Software extensions, new functions, New features Explanation

Models: V8.0B10

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Manual Pages






Xprint R/3 Kit






SNMP Agent






Domain Monitoring GUI Anchor






Domain Monitoring GUI Relay






Domain Monitoring GUI Server






EKS/Patch XPW80B102






Xprint-NT means Xprint for Microsoft Windows Server

The activation of each component depends upon the purchased license. Please see section 3.1 for the specific components of the Xprint distribution.

You will find the files for the DomainMonitoringGUI Open UNIX in the directory <cdrom>/DMG-8.0B10-03-OPEN- Win.

Current EKS:

In the directory XPW80B102 you will find the EKS XPW80B102 for Xprint (Windows). These correction packages

are meant for Xprint 8.0B10. This correction solves some problems in the licence mechanism. Please install it befor you start Xprint.

1.3 Documentation

To install and operate Xprint you need the documentation.

2 Software extensions, new functions

Beside the below specific hints, the reader should also consult the sections prerequisite and installation included in the Xprint

8.0B Add-on manual.

New features















Diagnose file collection within


The purpose of the Diagnose File Collection is to allow the product operators to



centraly collect all the product log & debug files produced by the various product



processes within the product domain. This collection is performed from a web



interface that is part of the existing Domain Monitoring GUI Server. The collected



files are "viewable" and "downloadable" from the DFC. Moreover, the user may



decide to create an archive file (tar or zip) in order to send it to the support













Support of active directory


The purpose of this feature is to demonstrate the ability of the product to interact

information (through LDAP)


with an LDAP server. An LDAP server is a server process that works with the LDAP



protocol. OpenLDAP server and Active directory will be referred further as LDAP Server in this






The example of interaction that has been designed in the version 8 of the product



consists in taking a default printer for any job submitted with no explicit



destination. The default printer is to be found in the user profile defined in the



LDAP configuration. If the job originator provided an explicit destination, the LDAP



interoperability will have no impact.



If there is no default printer defined in the LDAP configuration, the usual product



processing will take place at the job submission.







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Fujitsu V8.0B10 manual Documentation, Software extensions, new functions, New features Explanation