XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
5.16.1 monitor traffic-bytes
Displays the transmission frame length (in bytes) at each port.
xg> or xg#
Command syntax
monitor traffic-bytes { current | total } [interval <3-60>]
z { current | total }
Specifies the statistics to be displayed.
Displays the accumulated byte count of transmission frames after startup of this
Displays the accumulated byte count of transmission frames after startup of the system.
z interval <3-60>
Specifies the update interval (in seconds).
The default interval is 3 seconds.
Command type
Operation management command
Output form (if "current" is specified)
xg# monitor traffic-bytes current
Traffic Statistics(Current Frame Bytes) 2007/01/22-12:12:15
Port Link State/ Tx Rate Rx Rate Tx-Frame Rx-Frame
STP State Bits/Sec Bits/Sec Bytes Bytes
---- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -----------
1 Up/Discard 12345678K 12345678K 1234567890K 1234567890K
2 Down 0 0 0 0
3 Up/Discard 923 923 1234567890K 1234567890K
4 Up/Learn 999123K 999123K 1234567890M 1234567890M
5 Up/Forward 999 999 1234567890G 1234567890G
6 Up/Forward 999999K 999999K 1234567890T 1234567890T
7 Down 0 0 0 0
8 Down 0 0 0 0
ESC:exit F:refresh
U:page up D:page down L:page left R:page right
Traffic Statistics(Current Frame Bytes) 2007/01/22-12:12:15
ESC:exit F:refresh
U:page up D:page down L:page left R:page right
z Port
Displays port numbers. Statistics for each port are displayed on one line.
z Link State/STP State
Displays the port state in the Link State or STP State format.
The Link State may indicate one of the following link states.
The port link is down.
The port link is up.
The STP State displays the current port status based on the STP (Spanning Tree Protocol).
Note that the STP State is not displayed if the Link State is down.
For port status details, see “Spanning Tree Protocol Port States".
z Tx Rate Bits/Sec
Displays the transmission rate (in bps) using an 8-digit, right-justified value.
z Rx Rate Bits/Sec
Displays the receive rate (in bps) using an 8-digit, right-justified value.
z Tx-Frame Bytes
Displays the accumulated transmission byte count after execution of this command, using a
10-digit, right-justified value.
z Rx-Frame Bytes
Displays the accumulated receive byte count after execution of this command, using a 10-digit,
right-justified value.